Hourworld test site
Hourworld test site

  1. #Hourworld test site mac os
  2. #Hourworld test site pro
  3. #Hourworld test site software
  4. #Hourworld test site mac

So you have all these places that information comes from, so the next question is where does it go?Īs I mentioned in the opening of this series, that expecting to use a single tool in multiple situations is a little silly. I’ve been looking at what I have and how I’ve been using it and it was time for a little Personal Technology Tune-up. This is part IV in my little story arc on re-organizing my technology use.

#Hourworld test site software

Tagged mac, osx, software | 1 Comment Commitment to Personal Productivity… Shifting, Sorting, Compiling, and Archiving

#Hourworld test site mac

There current offerings are great and they did alot to push their Objective C advantage into the Mac world. They predated OS X (kinda) too! There heritage is on the NextStep which became OS X. I think you could say things like the Mac App Store owe a chunk of their existance to Kagi.Īnother Honorable mention to OmniGroup. They provided the market for a lot of “ Shareware“ apps and a path to software authors getting paid. before there was Paypal and the App store there was Kagi. And they have the coolest tag line in the software business.

  • BBEdit BBedit gets my top spot because it has pretty much stayed at the top of the heap through too many OS versions to count.
  • Don’t know how much I’ve contributed to Thorsten Lemke over the years but I don’t regret a bit of it. The batch processing of images is still better than most other tools I’ve got. It can open everything from my //gs graphics to Camera RAW.
  • GraphicCoverter This has truly been a long running tool that still has a regular spot in my toolbelt.
  • and it has been back and forth between several hands. Credit Peter Lewis and Andrew Tomazos for stewarding this product along. It’s probably not a coincidence that 2 ftp clients and no web browsers made this list.
  • Interarchy if you want to go back further you can track this back to Anarchie from 1993.
  • I still like to track the number of seconds of extra sunlight I’m getting. Most never made a living at it but it was a somewhat profitable hobby for many, I hope. There were (and still are) one person operations that made very useful stuff. This was developed by a one man operation that produced a nice little time app.
  • Hourworld This is a little bit of a one trick pony but I like the trick a lot.
  • I was never a huge user but this stands as a long running app. Default Folder has avoided getting “Sherlocked” and still provides some useful functionality. When you couldn’t control the settings Apple’s UI these little useful tools came along.
  • Default Folder One of the original Apple UI hacks.
  • And that’s before you talk about its ftp functionality. Still a great way to test point to point network transfer rates. It was my speedtest tool before there was. It still has a great use as a network testing tool.
  • Fetch That little dog ran alot of miles on my behalf.
  • One of the few third party items that was distributed by Apple on new Macs Its usefullness is probably long past for most people but if you installed a OS7 through OS 9 program you probably needed Stuffit Expander.
  • Stuffit Remember you first 5MB harddrive? Well that sounded like a lot, right?Stuffit kept files in check and allowed you to move stuff around at 2400 baud.
  • Don’t touch it much anymore but its still around. Filebuddy was my tool of choice for a good chunk of the late 90s and early oughts.
  • FileBuddy – Remember Resource Forks? before you could chmod anything on a Mac you needed a tool to sort and swtich some file attributes.
  • hourworld test site

    For OS X and OS 9! The CE Software petegree is now with Startly Technologies but its still around. What was a little suprising is you can still buy it. Quickeys – Before there was keyboard Maestro, there was Quickeys.

    #Hourworld test site pro

    If someone has a version of Glider PRO or Crystal Quest for Mavericks let me know. – SoundJam/iTunes doesn’t count so something from Casady & Greene had to make this list.I’m trying to remember if there was an Apple // version of any of them but that part of my brain went to mush long ago.

    #Hourworld test site mac os

    To make the list you had to run on Mac OS 9.x, PowerPC is fine, anything 680×0 is impressive. For the purposes on this list Apple Inc Applicatons need not apply. So this is my list of the ones that have been around and still have some life in them. Then I realized the few that have survived the transitions from various OSes and hardware changes. I noticed a sale on an old favorite piece of software the other day and it got me lamenting all the great tools of my Mac using past. because its almost New Years so everything has to be a Top XX list. I’m doing this as a reverse top ten list.

    Hourworld test site