The Control Grid of a CRT is used to control the brightness of the screen, as the Control Grid limits or controls the amount of electronics passing through it hitting the screen. Displays light on a two-dimensional phosphor screen. In an electron tube the electrode that is the source of current flow. The anode or anode button on a CRT is the opening near the back end of the display screen, used to accept a compression lead as a connection. The first and second Anode in the above graphic form the focus section of the CRT. A positive electrode of a two terminal device, toward which the negative ions are drawn. The new position of the electron beam compared original position before the beam passed through deflection plates. The angle of an electron beam induced by the deflection coils of a CRT. Flat screens handle shock better than CRTs. CRT displays are in decline, and are being replaced by Flat screen LCD displays that reduce weight, take up less space, and consume less power. A CRT is assembled into a monitor, which includes several other parts, such as a plastic cabinet, electromagnetic shields, circuit boards, connectors, and cabling. An electron beam is focused on a luminescent screen than varied in position and intensity to produce a visible pattern.Ī Cathode-ray Tube is used as computer monitors, television screens or radar displays. This tube is used to display visual electronic signals. An electron tube that has an electron gun, a deflection system, and a screen. "Z" CRT Definitions Cathode Ray Tube Cut-awayĬRT: Cathode-ray Tube.